General Guidelines when Performing Havan
General and Abridged Significance of the Havan
Introductory mantras
Recite Aum three times, with deep breaths, then the Gayatri Mantra three times:
Aum, Aum, Aum
Om bhūr bhuvaḥ swah. Tatsavitur vareṇyam bhargo devasya dhīmahi. Dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt. (recite 3 times)
Oh God, the giver of life, remover of pains and sorrows, bestower of happiness, creator of the universe. Thou are most luminous, pure and adorable. We meditate on thee. May thou inspire and guide our intellect in the right direction.
Ishwara Upasana
Om viśhwāni devā savitar duritāni parãsuva. Yad bhadran tanna ãsuva.
Oh Lord, creator of the Universe! Remove all forms of vices and sorrows from us. Let us develop those qualities in us that are ennobling.
Hiranyagarbhah samavartatāgre bhūtasya jātah patireka āsīt. Sa dādhāra pŗthivīm dyāmutemām kasmai devāya havişā vidhema.
O Lord, Before the creation of the Universe, luminous matter was present in its primordial form – like a golden orb waiting to be born. Of this too, the Master was God, creator of all the worlds. That God sustains this earth and the solar regions. To that blissful God we pray with faith and devotion.
Ya ātmadā baladā yasya viśwa upāsate praśişam yasya devāh. Yasyac-chāyā’mŗtam yasya mŗtyuh kasmai devāya havişā vidhema.
Great Lord, who places the soul in the body; Who is the source of strength; Who is worshipped by all learned men; Whose praise they sing; Whose grace gives immortality; Whom liberates us from death; To that blissful God we pray with faith and devotion.
Yah prānato nimişato mahitwaika idrājā jagato babhūva. Ya īśe asya dwipadaścatuşpadah kasmai devāya havişā vidhema.
Great Lord, Who, through His great power, alone has brought into existence the kingdoms animate and inanimate, and Who has created bipeds and quadrupeds, to that blissful God we pray with faith and devotion.
Yena dyaurugrā pŗthivī ca dŗdhā yena swah stabhitaṁ yena nākah. Yo antarikşe rajaso vimānah kasmai devāya havişā vidhema.
Great Lord, who sustains the solid earth, the expansive heavens, the luminous regions, all primordial matter and Who is the Creator of all the ethereal regions therein. To that God we pray with faith and devotion.
Prajāpate na twadetānyanyo viśwā jātāni paritā babhūva. Yat kāmāste juhumastanno astu vayam syāma patayo rayīnām.
Oh, Ruler and Support of all! In all these worlds created there is none other than Thee who pervades them fully. Whatever desires we have, we offer them to Thee. Only through Thy grace shall they be fulfilled. May we become masters of Thy wealth of love.
Sa no bandhurjanitā sa vidhātā dhāmāni veda bhuvanāni viśwa. Yatra devā amŗtamānaśānāstŗtīye dhāmannadhyairayanta.
That God is our Friend; He is the Creator, Father who is the master and sustainer of all, and who knows all the worlds and their regions. It is He in whom Sages and learned men, enjoying bliss, reach without obstruction, the third stage, that of liberation free from births and deaths.
Agne naya supathā rāye asmān viśwāni deva vayunāni vidwān. Yuyodhyasmajjuhurānameno bhūyişţānte nama uktim vidhema.
Oh, luminous God! Lead us to the noble path of Thy devotion and grace. Lord, Thou knowest all our deeds. Remove from us all our vices and sins. We offer in all sincerity our homage and salutations to Thee.
Achamana Mantra
Take some water in the right palm, recite each mantra and then sip the water, Repeat this step for all three following mantras;
Om amrito-pas-taranamasi swāhā
Let that which comes from below (the earth) be purifying like nectar.
Om amritā-pidhānam-asi swāhā
Let that which comes from above (the heavens) be purifying like nectar.
Om satyam yaśah śrīrmayi śhrī śrayatām swāhā
Living between the two (heaven and earth) may my fame, spiritual and material wealth be acquired only through truth, with your shelter and protection.
Anga Sparsha Mantra
Take a few drops of water in the left palm, and with your right hand, wet the tips of the two middle fingers and with the recital of each mantra, touch the different parts of the body as indicated, from right to left.
Om vāngma āsye’stu (touch lips)
O Lord, protector of knowledge, through my mouth may there always be present the power of speech.
Om nasor-me prāno’stu (touch nostrils)
O Lord, Source of life, may your life force through breath always be present in both my nostrils.
Om akshnor-me chakshur-astu (touch eyes)
O Lord, you are my guide, may there always be vision in both my eyes.
Om kar-nayor-me śro-tram astu (touch ears)
O Lord, listener of all our prayers, may the power of hearing always be present in both my ears.
Om bāhavor-me balam astu (touch arms)
O Lord, the source of all strength, may that strength be always present in both my arms.
Om ūrvor-ma ojo’stu (touch thighs)
O Lord, the provider of courage, may that courage remain in my thighs to carry me courageously through life.
Om aristāni me’ngani tanūs-tanvā me saha santu
(Sprinkle all over the body)
Oh Lord, may all my limbs and sense organs be healthy and free from disease. May all my bodily parts develop strong and robust. The water symbolises purification. Whatever I taste, smell, see or hear, whatever I speak, breathe or feel, whatever physical deeds I perform may I have the intellect to know right from wrong, may impure thoughts, words and deeds be washed away, leaving me only with that which is pure.
Agnyadhana Mantra
If you have a lamp/diya, you may light it upon recitation of the following mantra. Once it is lit, light the spoon with the camphor from the lamp. If you do not have a lamp/diya, then light the spoon with the camphor directly.
Om bhūrbhuvah swah
Oh Lord, You are the Breath of life, you are the Dispeller of miseries and the Embodiment of bliss.
Now recite the following mantra, after which place the burning camphor in the havan kund.
Om bhūrbhuvah swar-dyauriva-bhūmnā prithivīva varimna. Tasyāste prithivi devā-ya-jani prshte’gnim annā-dam-annā-dyā-yā-dadhe.
O Lord, as the sky is full of abundance and looks beautiful in space, in the same manner this earth may become splendid with excellence, with this purpose the fire may assimilate and spread the same on this earth in subtle form. I light this fire for establishing the expanse of the same since it is the character of fire that whatever is offered to it, it expands and distributes in all corners of the world.
Om udbudyas-wāgne prati jāgrahi tvamistāpūrte sansrje thāmayancha. Asmint sadhaste adhyu-ttar-asmin viśwe devā yajamā nas-ca sī-data.
Oh God! The bright and expansive heavens and the great earth spread wide in your glory. It is in your praise that this fire is kindled on the lap of this earth so that oblations be made to you. May we be granted by thy grace food and grain.
Samidadhana mantra
Taking the three pieces of wood in the ghee container, dip the end of each stick with ghee, and with the recital of each of the below three mantras
Om ayanta idhma ātmā jata-vedaste-ne-dhyaswa vardhaswa ceddha-varddhaya cāsmaan prajayā paśuhbhir-brahma varcase-nānnā-dyena samedhaya swāhā. Idam-agnaye jatavedase idanna-mama (Place first stick in the fire)
This Agni is the soul of all creation. May it invigorate. May this life-giving energy spread and be increased. Let there be progress. Bless us with children, animals, the lustre of knowledge, food and other basic needs. This (oblation) is for the all-pervading Agni. It is not mine. All material belongings come from the elements; we are mindful that they are not really ours – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Om samidhā-gnim duvasyata ghrtair bodhayatā tithim. Āsmin havyā juhotana.
Agni, like a guest, is fed with wood, ghee and other pure ingredients. In it oblations are offered. With well dried wood and pure ghee this fire is intensified. This offering is for Agni, it is not mine.
Om susamiddhāya śociśe ghrtam tīvram juhotana. Agnaye jāta-vedase swāhā. Idam-agnaye jāta-vedase idanna-mamah. (Place second stick in the fire)
Well-lit and glittering, all these substances present in the fire, self-mortified, the performance of this alone is for God Humanity and nature, this is not for me – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Om tantwā samid-bhirangiro ghrtena varddhayā-masi brha-ccho-chā yavishtya swāhā. Idam agnayengirase idanna-mamah. (Place third stick in the fire)
Invigorating fire, Nectar of Life! Burning bright with wood and ghee, shine forth great and radiant. This oblation is for the invigorating Agni, it is not mine. – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Invigorating fire, Nectar of Life! Burning bright with wood and ghee, shine forth great and radiant. This oblation is for the invigorating Agni, it is not mine.
Ghrtahuti Mantra
Recite this mantra 5 times and offer ghee into the fire after each recital with swaha.
Om ayanta idhma ātmā jāta-vedaste-nedhyaswa vardhaswa ceddha varddhaya cās-mān prajayā paśubhir-brahma-varcase-nānnādyena samedhaya swāhā. Idamagnaye jātavedase idanna-mama.
This Agni is the soul of all creation. May it invigorate. May this life-giving energy spread and be increased. Let there be progress. Bless us with children, animals, the lustre of knowledge, food and other basic needs. – I declare this true with sweetness and love. This (oblation) is for the all-pervading Agni. It is not mine. All material belongings come from the elements; we are mindful that they are not really ours.
Jalasinchana Mantra
With these four mantras, sprinkle a little water in each direction of the Kund as indicated.
Om adite’ numanyaswa. (sprinkle in the easterly direction)
O indivisible Lord accept our prayer
Om anumate’ numanyaswa. (sprinkle in the westerly direction)
O! Indisputable Lord accept our prayers
Om saraswatya numanyaswa. (sprinkle in the northerly direction)
O! all knowing Lord accept our prayers
Om devā savitah pra-suva yajńam prasuva yajńapatim bhagāya. Divyo gandharvaha ketapūh ketannah punātu vācaspatir vācannah swadatu. (sprinkle in all directions)
For unity, Apply your mind!
For conformity, Apply your mind!
For and through Knowledge, Apply your mind!
Oh God, Progenitor! Let this yajna grow and the performer of it progress to prosperity. Oh, Divine grace and repository of true knowledge, purify us. Lord of speech! Grant us sweet speech.
Agharavajyahuti Mantra
With each mantra offer only ghee into the fire in the direction as indicated.
Om agnaye swāhā. Idam-agnaye idanna-mama. (North)
This is for Agni – Lord most adorable, the source of life on Earth – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Om somāya swāhā. Idam-somaya idanna-mama (South)
This is for Soma – Lord most blissful, cooling and calming like the Moon – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Om prajā-pataye swāha. Idam prajāpataye idanna-mamah. (Centre)
This for Prajapati – Lord the Creator of all, the Lord of all humanity – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Om indrāya swāhā. Idam indrāya idanna-mama. (Centre)
This is for Indra – Lord Resplendent, whose knowledge shines like the Sun – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Swistakrta Homahuti
With this mantra, make an offering of boiled saltless rice or any other parsadh into the fire. This must be done by all participants. Ghee must also be added to the fire.
Om yadasya karmano’ tyarīricam yadwā nyū-namihā-karam. Agnistat swista-krid vidyāt sarvam swistam suhutam karotu me. Agnaye swista-krite suhuta hute sarva-prāyaś-cittā-hutīnām kāmā-nām samar-dhayi-tre sarvānnah kāmānt samard-dhaya swāhā. Idam agnaye, swista-krite, idanna mama.
Agni, the All-knowing One, fully knows whatever is excessive or lacking in my performance of this sacrifice. May He, the Fulfiller, fulfil my sacrifice by harmonizing it with my intent and making it well-performed. I implore Him to make me successful in all that I desire. I address this prayer to Him Who fulfils all offerings and makes them well-performed, who accepts all confession and repentance, and Who grants success in all righteous wishes. All this is unto Agni, the Fulfiller; nothing is mine – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Now, with each mantra below, all participants must offer samagree into the fire, and the person who was offering ghee, should continue with offering ghee only. This set of mantras is for Havan that is performed once a day.
Pratahkala Mantra
Om sūryo jyotir jyotih sūryah swāhā.
O Lord, you are the prime mover of this Universe, you are the embodiment of light, the giver of light to the sun and the light of all – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Om sūryo varcho jyotir varcah swāhā.
O Lord, you are the creator of all, who is all glorious, lustrous and the light of the Universe – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Om jyotih sūryah sūryo jyotih swāhā.
O Lord, you are the light of all, the Self-Effulgent God, our great Luminous light of all – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Om sajūr-deve-na savitrā sajūru-sa-sen-dra-vat-yā jusānah sūryo vetu swāhā.
O Lord, in consonance with you, our Creator and Illuminator, as dawn arises through your resplendence, we are delighted in unison, like the sun, and are pleased to offer our homage to you here in this sacred space – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Sayankala Mantra
Om agnir jyotir jyotir agnih swāhā.
O Lord, the Embodiment and Provider of Knowledge, who, as the Embodiment of Light enlightens all the other stars and planets – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Om agnir varco jyotir varcah swāhā.
O Lord, you are the lustrous Embodiment of light and provider of all knowledge – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Om (agnir jyotir jyotir-agnihi) say in slience … swāhā.
O Lord, our true Leader, who is effulgent and the source of our divine light, to you alone do we pray and worship – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Om sajūr deve-na-savitrā sajū-rātryendravatyā jusāno agnir vetu swāhā.
O Lord, in consonance with you, our Creator and Illuminator, as night descends through your resplendence, we are delighted in unison, like the fire which burns as one, and are pleased to offer our homage to you here in this sacred space – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Pratah-Sayankala Mantra
Om bhūragnaye prānāya swāhā. Idam-agnaye prānāya idanna-mama.
O Lord, you are dearer than life, you are the adorable designer and provider of our vital respiratory system – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Om bhuvar vāya-ve pānāya swāhā. Idam vāyave’ pānāya idanna-mama.
O Lord, you are the cause of our becoming, we exist through the air you provide and that we are able to exhale – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Om swarādityāya vyānā-ya swāhā. Idamādityāya vyānāya idanna-mamah.
O Lord, you are the cause of all bliss like the rays of the sun, through you we are able to breath the all-pervading vital air – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Om bhūrbhuvah swaragni vāya-vā-ditye-bhyah prānāpānavyā-ne-bhyah swāhā. Idamagni vāya-vā-diye bhyah prānā pāna vyāne bhyah idanna-mamah.
O Lord, you are the cause of our being, the cause of our becoming and the source of our bliss. We pay homage to you for the air, the sun, our respiratory system, our inhalation and exhalation and for all the air that pervades our entire body – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Om āpo jyotī-raso’-mrtam brahma bhūrbhuvah swarom swāhā.
O Lord, you pervade everything, you are the light of lights, the fountain of sweetness and love, immortal, the source of all knowledge, the cause of existence of this whole universe, sanctifier of devotes, bestower of happiness and protector of all, I worship You from the depths of my heart – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Om yām medhām deva-ganāh pita-rasco pā-sate. Tayā mā-madya medha-yā’gne medhā-vinam kuru swāhā.
Oh Lord, bestow upon me today the retentive intellect for which our enlightened ancestors and elders prayed, so that I too may be illuminated with that wisdom – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Parents are custodians of family values of loving, sharing and caring. The mantra is a
pledge that we will also commit ourselves to these values and virtues as relayed to us by
our parents and learned ones.
Om vishwāni devā savitar duritāni parāsuva, yad bhadran tanna āsuva swāhā.
O Lord, Bestower of all pleasures, our Greatest Inspirer and Creator, we pray to You to dispel all evils and miseries and bestow upon us whatever is virtuous and blessed – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Om agne naya supathā rāye asmān viśwani devā vayu-nāni vidwān. Yuyo-dhyasma-juhurā-nameno bhuyish-tānthe nama uktim vidhema swaha.
Oh, Supreme Guide, lead us on the sublime path so that we can attain worldly prosperity and salvation. You are our treasure of Knowledge and the Knower of all our actions, may you purify us from our sinful actions. With profound reverence we offer our salutations to You – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Purnahuti Mantra
Om sarvam vai pūrnam swāhā. (recite 3 times)
Oh Lord, you are perfect! – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Oh Lord, Your Creation is perfect- I declare this true with sweetness and love.
Oh Lord, may all my wishes be fulfilled by Your perfect Grace. – I declare this true with sweetness and love.
With the following mantra, pour all the remaining ghee into the fire. Pour the ghee as the mantra is recited.
Om vasoho pavitramasi shatadharam. Vasoho pavitramasi sahastra dharam, devastwa savita punatu vasoho pavitrena shatadharena supwa kamadhukshaha.
O hundred streams (ghee) you are the purifier of this dwelling. O thousand streams (ghee) you are the purifier of this dwelling. May God (Savita) purify you. Of this dwelling, through the hundred purifying streams, may your noble desires be granted.
Pujaniya prabhu
Sing the following bhajan
Pujaniya prabhu hamare, bhav ujjval keejiye
Chhod deve chhal kapat ko, Manasik bal deejiye.
Ved ki bolein richaein, Satya ko dharan karein
Harsh mein ho magna sare, Shok sagar se tarein
Ashwamedhadik rachayein, Yajna par upakar ko
Dharma maryada chala kar, Labh dein sansar ko
Nitya Shraddha bhakti se, Yajnadi ham karte rahein
Rog peedit vishwa ke, Santap sab harte rahein
Bhavana mit jaye man se, pap atyachar ki
Kamnayein purna howein, Yagna se nar-nari ki
Labhakari ho hawan, har praan dhari ke liye
Vayu jal sarvatra ho, Shubh gandh ko dharan kiye
Swartha bhav mite hamara, prem path vistar ho
Idam na mama ka sarthak, pratyek mein vyavhar ho
Prem ras me tript hokar, Vandana ham kar rahe
Nath karuna roop karuna, Ap ki sab par rahe
Repeat the first verse
Reverend God please help us to have pious feelings
May we leave treachery, and be strong in mind and spirit
May we recite Veda-mantras , and hold on to the truth
May all of us be jubilant in joy, and be delivered from the sea of sorrow
May we perform Ashvamedha yajnas and help others
May we always live with faith and dignity and benefit the world
May we keep on performing yajnas regularly with faith and reverence
And help to alleviate the world from the pain of disease and suffering
May our mind be free from the feelings of sin and atrocities
May the desires of all men and women be fulfilled by Yajna
May the hawan be beneficial for every living being
May the air-water everywhere hold the auspicious smell
May we get rid of our selfish feelings and enhance the path of love
May we truly believe that “Nothing is mine” everything belongs to God and put it into practice
We worship you feeling contented with love
O Lord, our protector may your kindness always be bestowed on everyone
Spiritual talk
Let the priest/purohit/person performing the Havan give a small religious/spiritual sermon.
Sing one or two bhajans. (pg 59)
Sing the Aarti – Om Jai Jagadish Hare
Om Jai Jagdish Hare / Swami Jai Jagdish Hare
Bhagt Jano Ke Sankat / Khshan Mein Dur Kare …
Om Jai Jagdish Hare ||
Jo Dhaywe Phal Pave / Dukh Vinshe Man Ka
Sukh Sampati Ghar Aave / Kasht Mite Tan Ka …
Om Jai Jagdish Hare ||
Maat-Pita Tum Mere / Sharan Gahun Kiskee
Tum Bin Aur Na Duja / Aas Karun Jiskee …
Om Jai Jagdish Hare ||
Tum Puran Parmatma / Tum Antaryami
Par-Brahm Parmeshwar / Tum Sabke Swami …
Om Jai Jagdish Hare ||
Tum Karuna Ke Saagar / Tum Palankarta / Mein Sewak Tum Swami
Kripa Karo Bharta … Om Jai Jagdish Hare ||
Tum Ho Ek Agochar / Sabke Pran Pati
Jis Vidhi Milun Dayamay / Aisi do sumti …
Om Jai Jagdish Hare ||
Deenbandhu Dukh Harta / Tum rakshak Mere
Karuna hasta badhao, Sharan pada Tere …
Om Jai Jagdish Hare ||
Vishay Vikaar Mitao / Paap Haro Deva
Shradha Bhakti Barao / Santan Ki Sewa …
Om Jai Jagdish Hare ||
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe,
Swami, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe,
The difficulties of Your devotees,
The difficulties of Your servants,
You remove in an instant.
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe.
Whoever meditates on You will get Your grace,
Whoever meditates with a mind free of sorrows,
Swami, with a mind free of sorrows.
Joy and Prosperity will come to them,
Joy and Prosperity will come to them,
And distress of body (and mind) will be relieved.
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe.
You are my Father and Mother,
And my refuge,
Swami, You are my refuge.
Apart from You there is none else,
Swami, there is none else,
I aspire for.
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe.
You are the Puran Paramatma,
You are the indweller of everyone,
Swami, You are the indweller of everyone.
You are the Parabrahman and Parama Ishwara (Supreme God),
You are the Parabrahman and Parama Ishwara (Supreme God),
You are the Lord of everyone.
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe.
You are the ocean of Compassion,
You are the nurturer of everyone,
Swami, You are the nurturer of everyone,
I am ignorant and go after desires,
I am Your servant and You are my Lord,
Therefore shower Your grace on me, O Master.
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe.
You are the one Unseen,
And the Lord of all lives,
Swami, the Lord of all lives.
How shall I meet You, O Merciful One,
How shall I meet You,
I am an ignorant.
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe.
You are the friend of the helpless, and the remover of sorrows,
You are my Lord,
Swami, You are my Protector.
Please raise Your hand (of varada, boon-giving and abhaya, fear-dispelling),
And take me under Your protection.
I surrender myself at Your feet,
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe.
Remove my worldly desires,
And remove my sins, O Deva,
And remove my sins, O Swami,
Increase my faith and devotion towards You,
Increase my faith and devotion towards You,
And the devotional service of this servant.
Om, Victory to You, the Lord of the Universe.
Concluding Mantras
Om Dyauhu shantirantariksam shantihi, prthivi santirapaha shantiroshadayaha shantihi. Vanaspatayaha shantirviswe devaha shantirbrahma shantihi. Sarvam shantihi,santireva shantihi, sa ma shantiredhi.
Om Shantihi Shantihi Shantihi
May there be peace in the heavenly region and the atmosphere; may peace reign on earth; let there be coolness in the water; may the medicinal herbs be healing; the plants be peace giving; may there be harmony in the celestial objects and perfection in eternal knowledge; may everything in the universe be peaceful; let peace pervade everywhere. May peace abide in me. May there be peace, peace, peace!
The havan is now complete. Offer prasadam to all that are present.
Significance of a “Havan”In Vedic philosophy, the “Agnihotra” ceremony has great significance. It is also commonly known as “Havan”. All auspicious acts commence with Havan. Havan is the very soul of all the Sixteen sanskars. The ancient sages stressed great importance to this, because the performance of Havan is the greatest Yajna to be performed in human life. The reason for this as is because the Havan is a very spiritual and scientific act, which not only endows one with spiritual upliftment but also replenishes what we as individuals have polluted or taken from the environment. The points below expand further on the very nature of the performance of Havan.
The fire transforms (a process called rarefication) the raw ingredients into micro products and thus not only spreads its good, natural characteristics in a larger environment; but also enhances its features and characteristics. It also has a good influence on your health.
The Ultimate Purifier- Homes generally have polluted air. Not only this, there are various germs and bacteria present. Several homes smell bad due to dampness. This leads to cough, joint pains etc. To treat these ailments, one has to spend money. If an account is prepared of the expenditure incurred, it would be substantial in rich homes, whereas not much help comes from government hospitals by way of subsidies or free medicines, still people have to suffer inconvenience and hardship. As compared to this it is cheaper and more effective to purify and clean the environment through Havan. The function of the Havan is not only to purify the area and atmosphere of one’s home, but it also affects the atmosphere of neighbouring areas because air cannot remain shut in the room. Thus, it makes the individual healthy and happy. In this manner the Havan performed by an individual not only benefits personally to him but it purifies the environment of society as a whole. If there is Havan performed in each individual home, with the burning of medicinal herbs, infected germs will be destroyed, the total environment of society will become pure thereby reducing the chances of becoming ill. Thus, the environment and atmosphere become pure and healthy and it will ultimately reduce the financial burden of an individual and society as a whole.
Is Havan responsible for release of CO2 which is harmful for health? – Generally, there are two objections. First is that by burning wood, CO2 gas is produced which is harmful. Secondly, is it wise to burn ghee in this age when everything is expensive and people find it difficult to make both ends meet.
It is ultimately a great responsibility upon each individual to perform havan as regularly as possible. We are all busy in today’s day and age but with the understanding of the benefits of Havan, we ought not to neglect this duty. If not once a week, then every second week and if all else fails at least once a month, for the benefit of yourself, the family and the greater society. Lets all conform to our ancient way as advocated by the Vedas and the great sages and revitalise our decaying earth.
The Arya Samaj offers Yajak courses for all those who wish to have basic knowledge on how to perform the Havan. Please contact the offices if you wish to find out more.