Enact (S. 1309), 19779 [19JY]
Conferees: H.R. 2409, enact, 24805 [24SE], 25160 [26SE]
Enact (see S. 1309)
Enactment of H.R. 2409: Senator Cranston, 32731 [20NO]
Veto (H.R. 2409), President Reagan, 31379 [12NO]
Remarks in House
Enact (H.R. 2409), 15836 [17JN], 15860 [18JN], 16894 [21JN], 24879 [24SE], 28477 [22OC]
———conference report, 28622 [23OC]
———technical corrections, 28624 [23OC]
Enact (H.R. 2409), appointment of conferees, 24805 [24SE]
Enact (H.R. 2409), permission to file conference report, 27379 [11OC]
Enact (H.R. 2409), veto, 31380-31385 [12NO]
Remarks in Senate
Enact (H.R. 2409), 19780 [19JY]
———correcting enrollment (S. Con. Res. 79), 27549 [15OC]
———S. 1309 language passed in lieu, 19780 [19JY]
———veto, 31346 [12NO], 32728-32734 [20NO]
Enact (H.R. 2409), appointment of conferees, 25160 [26SE]
Enact (H.R. 2409), authority to file conference report, 27261 [10OC]
Enact (H.R. 2409), conference report, 28064 [18OC]
Enact (S. 1309), 15936-15938-15957 [17JN], 19779 [19JY]
———indefinitely postponed, 19799 [19JY]
Conference: H.R. 2409, Provisions, 27392-27419 [11OC]
Extend Authorities Under Public Health Service Act to NIH and National Research Institutes: Committee on Labor and Human Resources (S. 1309) (S. Rept. 99-108), 19010 [15JY]
Health Research Activities: committee of conference (H.R. 2409) (H. Rept. 99-309), 27420 [11OC]
Public Health Service Act Relative to National Institutes of Health and National Research Institutes: Committee on Labor and Human Services (S. 1309), 18016 [8JY]
H.R. 2409, provisions, 15836-15855 [17JN], 19781-19799 [19JY]
S. 1309, provisions, 15938-15957 [17JN]
S. Con. Res. 79, correcting enrollment of H.R. 2409, 27559 [15OC], 28624 [23OC]