The Scheme will hold its hybrid Annual General Meeting ("AGM") on 27 June 2024 at 09:00 and you are invited to attend. The physical venue for the AGM is the Maslow Hotel Sandton, corner of Grayston Drive and Rivonia Road, Sandton, Gauteng. A virtual attendance facility will be made available for Principal Members who choose to attend the AGM virtually. Principal Members attending the AGM virtually will be able to participate on the virtual platform. Voting on all matters for Principal Members attending the AGM either in person or virtually will take place via an electronic platform. Voting will be open from 09:00 - 16:00 on the day of the AGM.
To ensure the smooth conduct of the AGM, including for reasons of health and safety, the Scheme reserves the right to conduct the AGM only virtually, and not in-person, on short notice. In that event, appropriate notification will be sent to Principal Members of the Scheme.
Printed meeting packs will be made available at the AGM venue.
The Scheme is pleased to make available its 2023 Integrated Report, including the Scheme's Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2023.
Important information to note
Registration for in-person attendance will take place at the Maslow Hotel from 07:00 - 09:00 on the day of the AGM. Registration for virtual attendance will close on 26 June 2024 at 09:00. Please register here to attend, participate and vote at the AGM virtually.
Please note: by registering your attendance on the Lumi system, you give Lumi Technologies SA Pty Ltd consent to process your personal information on behalf of the Scheme for purposes of ascertaining your membership status with the Scheme and establishing your eligibility to attend, participate and vote at the AGM.
In-person attendance
Principal Members attending the AGM in person must bring any of the following identification documents: South African ID book or Smart ID card, a valid South African driver's license or a Passport.
Principal Members are also required to present either a physical DHMS membership card or a digital DHMS membership card (available to DHMS Members logged into the Discovery mobile app, under the medical aid tab).
Please note that copies of identification documents or membership cards will not be accepted.
Virtual attendance
Principal Members attending the AGM virtually will be required to provide the following information to be able to register their attendance and cast their vote: full name(s) and surname (as per identity document), identity (or passport) number, email address, mobile phone number and DHMS membership number.
Principal Members whose virtual registration requests have been successfully approved will receive an email from Lumi with a link to the virtual platform and user credentials.
Agenda for the meeting
In terms of the Scheme Rules, Principal Members may submit motions to be tabled at the AGM. Should valid motions be received by the Scheme, these will be presented to Principal Members for discussion at the AGM.
Virtual attendance requirements
Principal Members who attend the AGM via the virtual platform will require an internet connection and an active email address. You can access the virtual platform through your laptop, desktop computer, smart phone or tablet. Depending on your device, you will need the latest version of Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Edge, FireFox or Safari (iPhone or iPad) installed. Adobe Flash Player must also be installed on your computer.
Virtual attendance requires a stable data or internet connection for which you will incur data charges for the amount of data consumed. Please contact your network service provider to enquire about data charges you may incur, prior to accessing the live streaming facility.
Please note that joining the AGM via the virtual platform constitutes attendance of the AGM and therefore Principal Members making use of the virtual platform will be able to participate in and vote at the AGM.
Announcement of voting results
The results of all matters voted on at the AGM will be published on the Scheme's webpage within 14 working days after the AGM and can be viewed here.
Principal Members of the Scheme who are in good standing with the Scheme (i.e. whose contributions are up to date and who are not suspended for any reason) need to elect one (1) Trustee to the Board of Trustees ("Board") at the 2024 Annual General Meeting ("AGM") of the Scheme. Principal Members will be afforded the opportunity to attend the AGM either in person or virtually, with the ability to vote regardless of how they choose to attend.
The AGM will take place on 27 June 2024. For members attending in person, the AGM will be held in Gauteng and the exact venue will be communicated through the Notice of AGM. For members attending virtually, a link to the virtual platform will be circulated closer to the date of the AGM.
In terms of the Scheme Rules, the Board may appoint a Nomination Committee to assess all nominees against the eligibility criteria described in the Scheme Rules and the Scheme's Electoral Framework. In this regard, the Scheme has appointed a Nomination Committee, consisting of independent persons who are not Trustees. The Nomination Committee will oversee the nominations, vetting of nominees and election processes until finalisation of the voting results after the AGM.
The Board has appointed Mazars as the third party Independent Electoral Body ("IEB") to assist the Nomination Committee in carrying out its functions.
The IEB is responsible for the following nomination, electoral and voting activities :
If you would like to nominate a candidate, please read the Call for Nominations and then complete the nomination form, which includes the rules for completion of this form.
Nominations must reach the IEB by no later than 12:00 (midday) South African Standard Time (SAST) on Wednesday, 31 January 2024.
All queries that relate to nominations must be directed to Mazars only, at telephone number 011 547 4212 or email: The IEB's offices and call centre will be open and operating between 08:00 and 16:30 from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.
The Annual General Meeting of Discovery Health Medical Scheme took place on 27 June 2024. For your convenience, we have provided a link to a copy of the presentations that was delivered at the Annual General Meeting by the Discovery Health Medical Scheme Principal Officer and Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd Chief Executive Officer
The Annual General Meeting of Discovery Health Medical Scheme took place on 27 June 2024. For your convenience, we have provided a link to the recording of the meeting.
The Scheme will hold its Annual General Meeting ("AGM") on 08 June 2023 at 09:00 and you are invited to attend . The AGM will take place at Auditorium 1, 1 Discovery Place, corner of Katherine Street and Rivonia Road, Sandton, Gauteng. A live streaming facility for viewing the AGM will also be available for members who are unable to attend. Voting on all matters will take place at the AGM venue only and will be open from 09:00 - 16:00 on the day of the AGM.
Printed meeting packs will be made available at the AGM venue. Should you require a printed copy of the Highlights of the Scheme's 2022 results, the Scheme Office will provide this on request.
The Scheme is pleased to make available its 2022 Integrated Report, including the Scheme's Financial Statements for the year ended
31 December 2022.
Important information to note
Members attending the AGM must bring their membership card and any of the following identification documents: South African ID book or Smart ID card, South African driver's license or a passport.
In this regard, in conjunction with the above-mentioned identification documents, either a physical Discovery Health Medical Scheme ("DHMS") membership card or a digital membership card (available to all members logged into the Discovery mobile app, under the Medical Aid tab) is acceptable.
Please note that copies of identification documents or membership cards will not be accepted.
Agenda for the meeting
Should valid motions be received by the Scheme, these will be presented to Members for discussion at the AGM. Further communication will be sent to Members via text message in this regard.
Live streaming requirements
Principal members who are unable to attend the AGM in person or by means of a proxy, can view the AGM via the live streaming facility, which will require an internet connection and an active email address. You can access the live streaming through your laptop, desktop computer, smart phone or tablet. Depending on your device, you will need the latest version of Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Edge, FireFox or Safari (iPhone or iPad) installed. Adobe Flash Player must also be installed on your computer.
Live streaming requires a stable data or internet connection for which you will incur data charges for the amount of data consumed. Please contact your network service provider to enquire about data charges you may incur, prior to accessing the live streaming facility.
Please note that the live streaming facility does not constitute attendance of the AGM and therefore Principal Members making use of the live streaming facility will not be able to participate in and vote at the meeting.
Announcement of voting results
The results of all matters voted on at the AGM will be published on the Discovery website within 14 days after the AGM and can be viewed here.
The Annual General Meeting of Discovery Health Medical Scheme took place on 8 June 2023. For your convenience, we have provided a link to a copy of the presentations that was delivered at the Annual General Meeting by the Discovery Health Medical Scheme Principal Officer and Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd Chief Executive Officer
The Annual General Meeting of Discovery Health Medical Scheme took place on 8 June 2023. For your convenience, we have provided a link to the recording of the meeting.
Mazars was appointed by Discovery Health Medical Scheme ("DHMS"/"the Scheme") in the capacity of the Independent Electoral Body ("IEB") to ensure that the Annual General Meeting process was conducted in accordance with the Scheme Rules approved and registered by the Council for Medical Schemes.
The Annual General Meeting ("AGM") of DHMS was held on 08 June 2023 at 09:00, at 1 Discovery Place, Corner Rivonia Road and Katherine Street, Sandton.
Rule 25.1.3 states that "At least 15 Members of the Scheme present in person or virtually (subject to the Scheme's operational requirements on virtual participation in the given year), shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum is not present after the lapse of 30 minutes from the time fixed for the commencement of the meeting, the meeting must be postponed to a date determined by the Board, and Members then present constitute a quorum".
In this regard, Mazars in their capacity as the IEB conducted a roll call of a sample of members and confirmed that the meeting was indeed quorate.
Principal Members in good standing at the AGM, and thus entitled to attend, speak and vote at the AGM were required vote on the following resolutions:
The results of the voting on the abovementioned resolutions are detailed below.
1. Resolution 1: 2023 Trustee Remuneration:
2. Resolution 2: Non-binding Advisory Vote on the Trustee Remuneration Policy:
3. Resolution 3: Appointment of the Auditors for 2023:
4. Resolution 4: Appointment of the Auditors for 2024:
5. Resolution 5: Extension of Trustee tenure from three (3) to four (4) years:
The AGM was thus carried out in terms of the Scheme Rules and the Medical Schemes Act, as concluded by the IEB.
We wish to thank all the members for their participation in the process.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Scheme at should you have any queries.
Principal Members of the Scheme need to elect three Trustees to the Board of Trustees ("Board") at the Scheme's 2022 Annual General Meeting ("AGM"). COVID-19 protocols permitting, the AGM will take place on 23 June 2022 at the Hilton Hotel Ball Room, 138 Rivonia Road, Sandton, Gauteng.
The Rules of the Scheme allow any Principal Member in good standing to nominate another Principal Member in good standing to stand for election. Alternatively, if COVID-19 risks dictate, the AGM may be held virtually.
The Board may appoint an independent third party service provider to assist the Nomination Committee in carrying out its functions. The Board of Trustees has appointed Deloitte & Touche ("Deloitte") as an Independent Electoral Body ("IEB") to assist the Nomination Committee.
The IEB is responsible for the following nomination, electoral and voting activities:
If you would like to nominate a candidate, please read the Call for Nominations and then complete the nomination form, which includes the rules for completion of this form.
Nominations must reach Deloitte by 12:00 (midday) on Monday, 14 February 2022. Forms received after this date and time will be disqualified.
All queries that relate to nominations must be directed to Deloitte only, at telephone number 0800 362 555 or email: The Deloitte offices and call centre will be open and operating between 08:00 and 16:30, Monday to Friday, excluding Saturday, Sunday and public holidays.
Discovery Health Medical Scheme ("DHMS"/"the Scheme") will hold its Annual General Meeting ("AGM") virtually on 23 June 2022. The Scheme's Board of Trustees encourages members to attend the Scheme's AGM, as this is critical to strong Scheme governance.
Trustee elections and Notice of the AGM
Trustee elections will be held at this year's AGM as follows:
Date: | Thursday, 23 June 2022 |
Venue: | Virtual Meeting (via the Lumi online platform) |
Meeting Time: | 09:00 |
Registration: | Online registration will open at 09:00 on 23 May 2022 and will close at 18:00 on 17 June 2022. Registrations will not be accepted after the closing date and time. Members who do not register will not be able to participate at the meeting. |
Please register your attendance online
Please note: by registering your attendance on the Lumi system, you give Lumi Technologies SA Pty Ltd consent to process your personal information on behalf of the Scheme for purposes of ascertaining your membership status with the Scheme and establishing your eligibility to attend, participate and vote at the AGM.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
Please attend the AGM or nominate a proxy
Trustee elections will be held at the 2022 AGM. A full candidate list can be accessed here. Voting on all matters at the AGM will be open from 09:00 - 16:00 on the day of the AGM.
Every Principal Member who is in good standing and who is present virtually at the AGM has the right to vote. If you are unable to attend the Scheme's AGM, you may nominate a proxy (another Principal Member authorised to attend, speak and vote on your behalf) by completing a proxy form. Only Principal Members in good standing (contributions not in arrears) may appoint another Principal Member, who must also be in good standing, as a proxy.
Submit your proxy on time
A Principal Member wishing to appoint a proxy to attend the AGM and vote on their behalf must personally request a proxy form from Deloitte & Touche ("Deloitte"), the Independent Electoral Body ("IEB"), at or by calling 0800 362 555.
Please note that each proxy form has unique security features and will be issued against the requesting Principal Member's (proxy giver's) name. A Principal Member who is in good standing and unable to attend the AGM may appoint only one proxy to attend, speak and vote on his/her behalf. A Principal Member in good standing attending the AGM may be appointed as proxy by more than one Principal Member, to attend, speak and vote on their behalf. Communication relating to the proxy appointment request will be directed to the proxy giver only.
Any deletions/corrections on the proxy form will not be accepted and will render the proxy form "spoilt". A photocopy of any original proxy form that has already been submitted will render the photocopied proxy form a duplicate form, and therefore an invalid proxy form. If you inadvertently spoil your proxy form, please contact the IEB to issue a replacement proxy form.
All information required on the proxy form must be completed. The proxy form must be signed by both parties (the Principal Member appointing the proxy and the Principal Member appointed as proxy). Failure to do so will invalidate the proxy form. Please also note that the IEB will not accept proxy forms with electronic signatures. The proxy giver will therefore have to print out the proxy form that he/she received from the IEB, complete the details required in the form by hand (in block letters), sign the proxy form, as well as obtain the proxy's signature on the form.
The IEB shall screen the completed proxy forms and shall determine their validity, prior to the AGM.
Proxy forms must reach the IEB by no later than 09:00 on 16 June 2022. Any proxy forms received after this date and time will be invalid.
More information on the proxy process is available here.
Submitting a motion
The Scheme Rules require that notices of motions to be placed before the AGM, reach the Principal Officer no later than 14 clear days prior to the date of the meeting. For purposes of the submission of a motion, reference to a clear day contemplates a 24 hour day beginning and ending at midnight. Below is a guideline that will help you construct your motion in line with Rules 25.1.6 and 25.1.7 of the Scheme Rules.
Motions can be submitted as follows:
Motions have to reach the Principal Officer by no later than 12:00 midnight on 08 June 2022. Without a detailed motivation the motion will not be valid. Any motions received after this date and time will be invalid. Please consider potential delays you may experience using the South African postal services, which could result in your motion not reaching the Principal Officer before the closing date and time.
Live Streaming Requirements
Principal Members registering for and attending the AGM will require the following:
You can access the live streaming through your laptop, desktop computer, smart phone or tablet. Depending on your device, you will need the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Edge, FireFox or Safari (iPhone or iPad) installed.
Live streaming requires a stable data or internet connection for which you will incur data charges for the amount of data consumed. Please contact your network service provider to enquire about data charges you may incur, prior to accessing the live streaming facility.
You can download:
You can call us on 0860 99 88 77 to request a physical copy of the 2021 Integrated Report.
The Annual General Meeting of Discovery Health Medical Scheme took place on 23 June 2022. For your convenience, we have provided a link to a copy of the presentations that was delivered at the Annual General Meeting by the Discovery Health Medical Scheme Principal Officer and Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd Chief Executive Officer.
Deloitte & Touche ("Deloitte") was appointed by the Board of Trustees as an Independent Electoral Body ("IEB") to assist the Nomination Committee with overseeing the nomination process from a governance perspective.
As an IEB, Deloitte was responsible for the following electoral processes and voting activities:
On 23 June 2022, Discovery Health Medical Scheme ("DHMS"/"the Scheme") convened a virtual Annual General Meeting ("AGM"). Principal Members voted on the following resolutions:
The outcome of the voting proceedings as it relates to the above resolutions are set out below:
Notice is hereby given of the proposed amalgamation between Quantum Medical Aid Society ("QMAS") and DHMS with effect from 01 April 2021. An amalgamation of medical schemes means that one medical scheme (i.e. QMAS) becomes part of another (in this case, DHMS).
The Registrar of Medical Schemes has approved the exposition. The exposition in respect of the amalgamation will lie open in terms of Section 63(4) for inspection for 21 days from 01 February 2021 to 01 March 2021 and for a further 21 days for comments in terms of Section 63(5) from 02 March 2021 to 30 March 2021, and can be accessed here.
During the inspection and objection period which ends on 30 March 2021 all written objections by interested parties must be sent to:
All written objections must reach the abovementioned offices by no later than 30 March 2021.
Notice is hereby given that Discovery Health Medical Scheme ("DHMS") will be holding a Special General Meeting ("SGM") on 17 March 2021.
The SGM will be held to vote on a proposed amalgamation with Quantum Medical Aid Society ("QMAS"). This will be the only matter that will be discussed at this SGM.
Notice of the Special General Meeting ("SGM")
Date: 17 March 2021
Meeting Time: 10:00
Registration: Online registration will open at 10:00 on 10 March 2021 and will close at 10:00 on 15 March 2021. Registrations will not be accepted after the closing date and time.
Venue: Virtual meeting
Please register your attendance
Please note: by registering your attendance on the Lumi system, you give Lumi Technologies SA Pty Ltd consent to process your personal information on behalf of Discovery Health Medical Scheme ("the Scheme") for purposes of ascertaining your membership status with the Scheme and establishing your eligibility to vote at the SGM.
Details of the proposed amalgamation can be found here. The full exposition document can be found here.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
Please attend the SGM or nominate a proxy
If you are unable to attend the SGM, you are able to nominate a proxy (another Principal Member in good standing authorised to attend, speak and vote on your behalf) by completing a proxy form.
Read here for more information on the proxy process.
Submit your proxy on time
Proxy forms must be requested from Deloitte and Touche ("Deloitte"), at or by calling 0800 226 878.
Proxy forms must reach Deloitte by no later than 10:00 on 12 March 2021. Any proxy forms received after this date and time will be invalid.
Notice is hereby given that the proposed amalgamation date between Quantum Medical Aid Society ("QMAS") and Discovery Health Medical Scheme ("DHMS/the Scheme") has been postponed from 01 April 2021 to 01 July 2021. The addendum to the exposition document can be found here.
The Registrar of Medical Schemes on 15 March 2021 accepted the new date for the proposed amalgamation.
The postponement of the date of the proposed amalgamation does not affect the date on which the DHMS Special General Meeting will be held for the purpose of voting in favour of or against the proposed amalgamation, which will continue as scheduled on 17 March 2021 at 10:00, as previously communicated to Principal Members of the Scheme.
Deloitte & Touche ("Deloitte") was appointed by the Board of Trustees to provide support in respect of the voting of Discovery Health Medical Scheme members relating to the proposed amalgamation between Discovery Health Medical Scheme ("DHMS") and Quantum Medical Aid Society ("QMAS").
On 17 March 2021, DHMS convened a virtual Special General Meeting ("SGM") for members to vote in favour of or against the proposed amalgamation.
The outcome of the voting proceedings as it relates to the proposed amalgamation between DHMS and QMAS are set out below:
a. 92.9% voted in favour
b. 4.85% voted against
c. 1.9% abstained from voting
d. 0.4% represents an invalid vote*
*A proxy vote was revoked from the proxy holder, as the nominator attended and voted at the SGM, therefore their vote took preference and invalidated the allocated proxy vote.
Discovery Health Medical Scheme ("DHMS/the Scheme") had scheduled its 2020 Annual General Meeting ("AGM") to be held on 25 June 2020, however, on account of the COVID-19 pandemic, the DHMS Trustees deemed it necessary to postpone the Scheme's 2020 AGM and Trustee elections to a later date. The postponement has been approved by the Council for Medical Schemes.
As a result of the time that has lapsed since the call for nominations in January 2020 for the nomination of candidates to stand for election to the Board of Trustees, a decision has been made to restart the call for nominations process. The January 2020 process has been stopped and therefore nominations made in 2020 will not be included in the 2021 nominations process. A Principal Member who would like to nominate the same candidate to stand for election to the Board of Trustees, will be required to re-nominate the candidate in the 2021 call for nominations process.
Members of the Scheme need to elect two Trustees at the Scheme's 2021 Annual General Meeting ("AGM") to be held on 31 August 2021, which will be held virtually. The exact details of the virtual platform will be communicated in due course.
Deloitte has been appointed in the capacity as an IEB in respect of the following electoral processes and voting activities:
If you would like to nominate a candidate, please read the Call for Nominations and then complete the nomination form, which includes the rules for completion of this form.
Nominations must reach Deloitte by 12:00 (midday) on Wednesday, 12 May 2021. Forms received after this date and time will not be considered.
All queries that relate to nominations must be directed to Deloitte only, at telephone number 0800 362 555 or email: The Deloitte offices and call centre will be open and operating between 08:00 and 16:30, Mondays to Fridays, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
The call for nomination was sent to members on 20 April 2021, with closing date of 12 May 2021. Due to a technical error identified, some members did not receive the Call for Nomination notice.
The Call for Nomination will now close at 12:00 (midday) on Monday, 24 May 2021.
Members of the Scheme need to elect two Trustees at the Scheme's 2021 Annual General Meeting ("AGM") to be held on 31 August 2021, which will be held virtually. The exact details of the virtual platform will be communicated in due course.
Deloitte has been appointed in the capacity as an IEB in respect of the following electoral processes and voting activities:
If you would like to nominate a candidate, please read the Call for Nominations and then complete the nomination form, which includes the rules for completion of this form.
Nominations must reach Deloitte by 12:00 (midday) on Monday, 24 May 2021. Forms received after this date and time will not be considered.
All queries that relate to nominations must be directed to Deloitte only, at telephone number 0800 362 555 or email: The Deloitte offices and call centre will be open and operating between 08:00 and 16:30, Mondays to Fridays, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
Discovery Health Medical Scheme ("DHMS"/"the Scheme") will hold its Annual General Meeting ("AGM") virtually on 31 August 2021. DHMS's Board of Trustees encourages members to attend the Scheme's AGM, as it is critical to strong Scheme governance.
Trustee elections and Notice of the AGM
Trustee elections will be held at this year's AGM as follows:
Date | Tuesday, 31 August 2021 |
Venue | Virtual Meeting (via the Lumi online platform) |
Meeting Time | 09:00 |
Registration | Online registration will open at 10:00 on 30 July 2021 and will close at 18:00 on 27 August 2021. Registrations will not be accepted after the closing date and time. Members who do not register will not be able to participate at the meeting. |
Please register your attendance online
Please note: by registering your attendance on the Lumi system, you give Lumi Technologies SA Pty Ltd consent to process your personal information on behalf of the Scheme for purposes of ascertaining your membership status with the Scheme and establishing your eligibility to attend, participate and vote at the AGM.
Please attend the AGM or nominate a proxy
Trustee elections will be held at the 2021 AGM. A full candidate list can be accessed here. Voting for all matters at the AGM will be open from 09:00 - 16:00 on the day of the AGM.
Every Principal Member who is in good standing and who is present virtually at the AGM has the right to vote. If you are unable to attend the Scheme's AGM, you are able to nominate a proxy (another Principal Member authorised to attend, speak and vote on your behalf) by completing a proxy form. Only Principal Members in good standing (contributions not in arrears) may appoint another Principal Member, who must also be in good standing, as a proxy.
Submit your proxy on time
Proxy forms must be requested from Deloitte & Touche ("Deloitte"), the Independent Electoral Body ("IEB"), at or by calling 0800 362 555.
Please note that each proxy form has unique security features and will be issued against the requesting Principal Member's name. A Principal Member who is in good standing and unable to attend the AGM may appoint only one proxy to attend, speak and vote on his/her behalf. A Principal Member in good standing attending the AGM may be appointed as proxy by more than one Principal Member, to attend, speak and vote on their behalf.
Any deletions/corrections on the proxy form will not be accepted and will render the proxy form "spoilt". A duplicate of any original proxy form that has already been submitted will render the duplicated proxy form invalid. If you inadvertently spoil your proxy form, please contact the IEB to issue a new proxy form.
All information required on the proxy form must be completed. The proxy form must be signed by both parties (the Principal Member appointing the proxy and the Principal Member appointed as proxy). Failure to do so will invalidate the proxy form.
The IEB shall screen the completed proxy forms and shall determine their validity, prior to the AGM. Proxy forms must reach the IEB by no later than 09:00 on 24 August 2021. Any proxy forms received after this date and time will be invalid.
More information on the proxy process is available here.
Submitting a motion
The Rules of Discovery Health Medical Scheme require that notices of motions to be placed before the AGM, reach the Principal Officer no later than 14 clear days prior to the date of the meeting. For purposes of the submission of a motion, reference to a clear day contemplates a 24 hour day beginning and ending at midnight. Below is a guideline that will help you construct your motion in line with Rules 25.1.6 and 25.1.7 of the Scheme Rules.
Motions can be submitted as follows:
Motions have to reach the Principal Officer by no later than 12:00 midnight on 16 August 2021. Without a detailed motivation the motion will not be valid. Any motions received after this date and time will be invalid. Please consider potential delays you may experience using the South African postal services, which could result in your motion not reaching the Principal Officer before the closing date and time.
Live Streaming Requirements
Principal Members registering for and attending the AGM will require the following:
You can access the live streaming through your laptop, desktop computer, smart phone or tablet. Depending on your device, you will need the latest versions of Internet Explorer 11, Google Chrome, Edge, FireFox or Safari (iPhone or iPad) installed.
Live streaming requires a stable data or internet connection for which you will incur data charges for the amount of data consumed. Please contact your network service provider to enquire about data charges you may incur, prior to accessing the live streaming facility.
You can download:
You can call us on 0860 99 88 77 to request a physical copy of the 2019 and/or 2020 Integrated Report.
The Annual General Meeting of Discovery Health Medical Scheme took place on 31 August 2021. For your convenience, we have provided a link to a copy of the presentations that was delivered at the Annual General Meeting by the Discovery Health Medical Scheme Principal Officer and Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd Chief Executive Officer
Deloitte & Touche ("Deloitte") was appointed by the Board of Trustees as an Independent Electoral Body ("IEB") to assist the Nomination Committee with overseeing the nomination process from a governance perspective.
As an IEB, Deloitte was responsible for the following electoral processes and voting activities:
On 31 August 2021, Discovery Health Medical Scheme ("DHMS"/"the Scheme") convened a virtual Annual General Meeting ("AGM"). Principal Members voted on the following resolutions:
The outcome of the voting proceedings as it relates to the above resolutions are set out below:
Members of the Scheme need to elect two Trustees at the Scheme's Annual General Meeting ("AGM") to be held on 25 June 2020, at the Hilton Hotel, 138 Rivonia Road, Sandton, Gauteng.
The Board of Trustees has appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd ("PwC") as the Independent Electoral Body ("IEB") to assist the Nomination Committee, who will oversee the nomination process from a governance perspective.
PwC has been appointed in the capacity of the IEB in respect of the following electoral processes and voting activities:
Members of the Scheme should also be aware that, following inspections relating to the election of members to the boards of trustees of various medical schemes, the Council for Medical Schemes ("CMS") has found certain practices that lead to prejudice and unfairness and which also defeat the object and purposes of the Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998. Members are urged to take note of the undesirable business practices listed in Press Release 15 of 2017, which can be found on the CMS website at under the publications tab.
If you would like to nominate a candidate, please read the Call for Nominations and then complete the nomination form, which includes the rules for completion of this form.
The completed nomination form must be returned to PwC either by hand or e-mail as indicated in the rules for completion. The form should reach PwC by no later than 12:00 (midday) on Friday, 14 February 2020. Forms received after this date and time will not be considered.
All queries that relate to nominations must be directed to PwC only, at telephone number 012 429 0150 or email:
The Call for Nominations was sent to members on 13 January 2020, with a closing date of 14 February 2020. Regrettably, we have identified that some emails to members were not delivered due to restrictive security settings recently deployed by certain email management and security providers that blocked their delivery. Changes to the email have been made so that it will no longer be blocked.
Following consultations with the Nominations Committee it has been considered appropriate to extend the closing date of the Call for Nominations in order to provide all members with an opportunity to participate in the process.
Members of the Scheme need to elect two Trustees at the Scheme's Annual General Meeting ("AGM") to be held on 25 June 2020, at the Hilton Hotel, 138 Rivonia Road, Sandton, Gauteng.
The Board of Trustees has appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd ("PwC") as the Independent Electoral Body ("IEB") to assist the Nomination Committee, who will oversee the nomination process from a governance perspective.
PwC has been appointed in the capacity of the IEB in respect of the following electoral processes and voting activities:
Members of the Scheme should also be aware that, following inspections relating to the election of members to the boards of trustees of various medical schemes, the Council for Medical Schemes ("CMS") has found certain practices that lead to prejudice and unfairness and which also defeat the object and purposes of the Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998. Members are urged to take note of the undesirable business practices listed in Press Release 15 of 2017, which can be found on the CMS website at under the publications tab.
If you would like to nominate a candidate, please read the Call for Nominations and then complete the nomination form, which includes the rules for completion of this form.
Nominations must now reach PwC by 12:00 (midday) on Friday, 06 March 2020. Forms received after this date and time will not be considered.
All queries that relate to nominations must be directed to PwC only, at telephone number 012 429 0150 or email:
Discovery Health Medical Scheme ("DHMS/the Scheme") had scheduled its Annual General Meeting ("AGM") to be held on 25 June 2020.
Given the recent pronouncements by President Cyril Ramaphosa on measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, including the declaration of a national state of disaster, implementation of a national lockdown and the prohibition of public gatherings of more than 50 people, the DHMS Trustees deem it necessary to postpone the Scheme's AGM and Trustee elections to a later date. The postponement has been approved by the Council for Medical Schemes.
Trustee terms coming to an end during the postponement period will be extended until such time that the AGM and Elections can be held as approved by the Council for Medical Schemes.
Further communication in this regard will follow in due course.
Discovery Health Medical Scheme ("DHMS/the Scheme") is holding its Annual General Meeting ("AGM") on 20 June 2019. DHMS's Board of Trustees encourage members to attend the Scheme's AGM, as it is critical to strong Scheme governance. Please RSVP your attendance.
Trustee elections
Trustee elections will be held at this year's AGM. Members of the Scheme should be aware of a Press Release issued by the Council for Medical Schemes ("CMS") relating to undesirable business practices in respect of the election of members to the Boards of Trustees of various medical schemes. According to the Press Release the CMS has set out certain practises that lead to prejudice and unfairness and which also defeat the object and purposes of the Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998. The undesirable business practises listed can be found on the CMS website at in Press Release 15 of 2017 and members are urged to take note of this notice.
Please find below the notice of the AGM and other details.
Notice of the AGM
Members attending the AGM must bring their membership card and any of the following identification documents: a South African ID book or Smart ID card, South African Driver's License or a Passport
In this regard, in conjunction with the above mentioned identification documents, either a physical DHMS membership card or a digital membership card (available to DHMS members logged into the Discovery mobile app, under the medical aid tab) would be accepted
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
Please attend the AGM or nominate a proxy
Trustee elections will be held at the 2019 AGM and a full candidate list can be accessed here.
If you are unable to attend the Scheme's AGM, you are able to nominate a proxy (another Principal Member authorised to attend, speak and vote on your behalf) by completing a proxy form. Only Principal Members in good standing (contributions not in arrears) may appoint other Principal Members, who must also be in good standing, as proxies.
Submit your proxy on time
Proxy forms must be requested from PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd, the Independent Electoral Body ("IEB"), at or by calling 012 429 0150.
Please note that each proxy form has unique security features and a separate proxy form must be requested for each proxy that a Principal Member wishes to appoint.
Any deletions/corrections on the proxy form will not be accepted and will render the proxy form "spoilt". If you inadvertently spoil your proxy form, please contact the IEB to issue a replacement proxy form.
All information required on the proxy form must be completed. The proxy form must be signed by both parties (the Principal Member appointing the proxy and the Principal Member appointed as proxy). Failure to do so may invalidate the proxy form.
The IEB shall screen the completed proxy forms and shall determine their validity, prior to the AGM.
Proxy forms must reach the IEB by no later than 12:00 midday on 13 June 2019. Any proxy forms received after this date and time will be invalid.
More information on the proxy process is available here.
Submitting a motion
The Rules of Discovery Health Medical Scheme require that notices of motions to be placed before the AGM reach the Principal Officer no later than 14 days prior to the date of the meeting. For purposes of the submission of a motion, reference to a clear day contemplates a 24 hour day beginning and ending at midnight. Below is a guideline that will help you construct your motion in line with Rules 25.1.6 and 25.1.7 of the Scheme Rules:
Motions can be submitted as follows:
Motions have to reach the Principal Officer by no later than 12:00 midnight on 05 June 2019. Any motions received after this date and time will be invalid.
You can download:
You can call us on 0860 99 88 77 to request a physical copy of the 2018 Integrated Report.
Live Streaming Requirements
The Annual General Meeting will be streamed live on the Discovery website here. Live streaming requires a stable data connection for which you will incur data charges for the amount of data consumed. Please contact your network service provider to enquire about data charges you may incur, prior to accessing the live streaming facility.
You can access the live streaming through your cell phone, tablet or computer. Depending on your device, you need to have access to Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, FireFox or Safari (iPhone or iPad). Adobe Flash Player must be installed on your computer.
The Annual General Meeting of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme took place on 20 June 2019. For your convenience, we have provided a copy of the presentation that was delivered at the Annual General Meeting by the Discovery Health Medical Scheme Principal Officer and Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd Chief Executive Officer:
Members of the Scheme need to elect three Trustees at the Scheme's Annual General Meeting ("AGM") to be held on 20 June 2019, at the Hilton Hotel, 138 Rivonia Road, Sandton, Gauteng.
The Board of Trustees has appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd ("PwC") as the independent third party service provider to assist the Nomination Committee. PwC will conduct and manage the nomination process and the Nomination Committee will oversee the process from a governance perspective.
Members of the Scheme should also be aware that following inspections relating to the election of members to the boards of trustees of various medical schemes, the Council for Medical Schemes ("CMS") has found certain practices that lead to prejudice and unfairness and which also defeat the object and purposes of the Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998. The undesirable business practices listed can be found on the CMS website at in Press Release 15 of 2017 and members are urged to take note of this notice.
If you would like to nominate a candidate, please read the Call for Nominations and then complete the Nomination Form, which includes the rules for completion of this form.
The completed nomination form must be returned to PwC either by hand, e-mail or fax as indicated in the rules for completion. The form should reach PwC by no later than 12:00 (midday) on Friday, 08 February 2019. Forms received after this date and time will not be considered. All queries that relate to nominations must be directed to PwC only, at telephone number 012 429 0150 or email:
Members of the Scheme need to elect three Trustees at the Scheme's Annual General Meeting ("AGM") to be held on 20 June 2019, at the Hilton Hotel, 138 Rivonia Road, Sandton, Gauteng.
The Board of Trustees has appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd ("PwC") as the independent third party service provider to assist the Nomination Committee. PwC will conduct and manage the nomination process and the Nomination Committee will oversee the process from a governance perspective.
Members of the Scheme should also be aware that following inspections relating to the election of members to the boards of trustees of various medical schemes, the Council for Medical Schemes ("CMS") has found certain practices that lead to prejudice and unfairness and which also defeat the object and purposes of the Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998. The undesirable business practices listed can be found on the CMS website at in Press Release 15 of 2017 and members are urged to take note of this notice.
If you would like to nominate a candidate, please read the Call for Nominations and then complete the Nomination Form, which includes the rules for completion of this form.
The completed nomination form must be returned to PwC either by hand, e-mail or fax as indicated in the rules for completion. The form should reach PwC by no later than 12:00 (midday) on Friday, 08 February 2019. Forms received after this date and time will not be considered. All queries that relate to nominations must be directed to PwC only, at telephone number 012 429 0150 or email:
Discovery Health Medical Scheme ("DHMS/the Scheme") is holding its Annual General Meeting ("AGM") on 20 June 2019. DHMS's Board of Trustees encourage members to attend the Scheme's AGM, as it is critical to strong Scheme governance. Please RSVP your attendance.
Trustee elections
Trustee elections will be held at this year's AGM. Members of the Scheme should be aware of a Press Release issued by the Council for Medical Schemes ("CMS") relating to undesirable business practices in respect of the election of members to the Boards of Trustees of various medical schemes. According to the Press Release the CMS has set out certain practises that lead to prejudice and unfairness and which also defeat the object and purposes of the Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998. The undesirable business practises listed can be found on the CMS website at in Press Release 15 of 2017 and members are urged to take note of this notice.
Please find below the notice of the AGM and other details.
Notice of the AGM
Members attending the AGM must bring their membership card and any of the following identification documents: a South African ID book or Smart ID card, South African Driver's License or a Passport
In this regard, in conjunction with the above mentioned identification documents, either a physical DHMS membership card or a digital membership card (available to DHMS members logged into the Discovery mobile app, under the medical aid tab) would be accepted
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
Please attend the AGM or nominate a proxy
Trustee elections will be held at the 2019 AGM and a full candidate list can be accessed here.
If you are unable to attend the Scheme's AGM, you are able to nominate a proxy (another Principal Member authorised to attend, speak and vote on your behalf) by completing a proxy form. Only Principal Members in good standing (contributions not in arrears) may appoint other Principal Members, who must also be in good standing, as proxies.
Submit your proxy on time
Proxy forms must be requested from PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd, the Independent Electoral Body ("IEB"), at or by calling 012 429 0150.
Please note that each proxy form has unique security features and a separate proxy form must be requested for each proxy that a Principal Member wishes to appoint.
Any deletions/corrections on the proxy form will not be accepted and will render the proxy form "spoilt". If you inadvertently spoil your proxy form, please contact the IEB to issue a replacement proxy form.
All information required on the proxy form must be completed. The proxy form must be signed by both parties (the Principal Member appointing the proxy and the Principal Member appointed as proxy). Failure to do so may invalidate the proxy form.
The IEB shall screen the completed proxy forms and shall determine their validity, prior to the AGM.
Proxy forms must reach the IEB by no later than 12:00 midday on 13 June 2019. Any proxy forms received after this date and time will be invalid.
More information on the proxy process is available here.
Submitting a motion
The Rules of Discovery Health Medical Scheme require that notices of motions to be placed before the AGM reach the Principal Officer no later than 14 days prior to the date of the meeting. For purposes of the submission of a motion, reference to a clear day contemplates a 24 hour day beginning and ending at midnight. Below is a guideline that will help you construct your motion in line with Rules 25.1.6 and 25.1.7 of the Scheme Rules:
Motions can be submitted as follows:
Motions have to reach the Principal Officer by no later than 12:00 midnight on 05 June 2019. Any motions received after this date and time will be invalid.
You can download:
You can call us on 0860 99 88 77 to request a physical copy of the 2018 Integrated Report.
Live Streaming Requirements
The Annual General Meeting will be streamed live on the Discovery website here. Live streaming requires a stable data connection for which you will incur data charges for the amount of data consumed. Please contact your network service provider to enquire about data charges you may incur, prior to accessing the live streaming facility.
You can access the live streaming through your cell phone, tablet or computer. Depending on your device, you need to have access to Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, FireFox or Safari (iPhone or iPad). Adobe Flash Player must be installed on your computer.
The Annual General Meeting of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme took place on 20 June 2019. For your convenience, we have provided a copy of the presentation that was delivered at the Annual General Meeting by the Discovery Health Medical Scheme Principal Officer and Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd Chief Executive Officer:
Members of the Scheme need to elect three Trustees at the Scheme's Annual General Meeting ("AGM") to be held on 20 June 2019, at the Hilton Hotel, 138 Rivonia Road, Sandton, Gauteng.
The Board of Trustees has appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd ("PwC") as the independent third party service provider to assist the Nomination Committee. PwC will conduct and manage the nomination process and the Nomination Committee will oversee the process from a governance perspective.
Members of the Scheme should also be aware that following inspections relating to the election of members to the boards of trustees of various medical schemes, the Council for Medical Schemes ("CMS") has found certain practices that lead to prejudice and unfairness and which also defeat the object and purposes of the Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998. The undesirable business practices listed can be found on the CMS website at in Press Release 15 of 2017 and members are urged to take note of this notice.
If you would like to nominate a candidate, please read the Call for Nominations and then complete the Nomination Form, which includes the rules for completion of this form.
The completed nomination form must be returned to PwC either by hand, e-mail or fax as indicated in the rules for completion. The form should reach PwC by no later than 12:00 (midday) on Friday, 08 February 2019. Forms received after this date and time will not be considered. All queries that relate to nominations must be directed to PwC only, at telephone number 012 429 0150 or email:
Discovery Health Medical Scheme ("DHMS/the Scheme") is holding its Annual General Meeting ("AGM") on 21 June 2018. DHMS's Board of Trustees encourage members to attend the Scheme's AGM, as it is critical to strong Scheme governance. Please RSVP your attendance.
Please find below the notice of the AGM and other details.
Notice of the AGM
Date | Thursday, 21 June 2018 |
Venue | The Grove Auditorium, 1 Discovery Place, Ground Floor, Corner of Rivonia Road and Katherine Street, Sandton. Parking will be available at the venue. |
Meeting Time | 09:00 |
Registration | 07:00 to 09:00 |
Identification | Members attending the AGM must bring their membership card and any of the following identification documents: A South African ID book or Smart ID card, South African Driver's License or a Passport |
Live streaming | If you are unable to attend the AGM, you can make use of the live streaming facility that will be available here on 21 June 2018 at 09:00 |
RSVP | RSVP your attendance to the AGM here |
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
Please attend the AGM or nominate a proxy
If you are unable to attend the Scheme's AGM, you may nominate a proxy (another Principal Member authorised to attend, speak and vote on your behalf) by completing a proxy form.
Submit your proxy form on time
Proxy forms must be requested from PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd ("PwC"), at or by calling 012 429 0150.
Please note that each proxy form has unique security features and a separate proxy form has to be requested for each proxy that a Principal Member wishes to appoint.
Any deletions/corrections on the proxy form will not be accepted and will render the form "spoilt".
All information required on the proxy form must be completed. The proxy form must be signed by both parties (the Principal Member appointing the proxy and the Principal Member appointed as proxy). Failure to do so may invalidate the proxy form.
PwC shall screen the completed proxy forms and shall determine their validity, prior to the AGM.
Proxy forms must reach PwC by no later than 12:00 midday on 14 June 2018. Any proxy forms received after this date and time will be invalid.
Read here for more information on the proxy process.
Submitting a motion
The Rules of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme require that notices of motions to be placed before the AGM, must reach the Principal Officer not later than 14 days prior to the date of the meeting. For purposes of the submission of a motion, reference to a clear day contemplates a 24 hour day beginning and ending at midnight. Below is a guideline that will help you construct your motion in line with Rules 25.1.6 and 25.1.7 of the Scheme Rules:
Motions can be submitted as follows:
Motions have to reach the Principal Officer by no later than 12:00 midnight on 06 June 2018. Any motions received after this date and time will be invalid.
You can download:
You can call us on 0860 99 88 77 to request a physical copy of the 2017 Integrated Report.
Live Streaming Requirements
The Annual General Meeting will be streamed live on the Discovery website, here Live streaming requires a stable data connection for which you will incur data charges for the amount of data consumed. Please contact your network service provider to enquire about data charges you may incur, prior to accessing the live streaming facility.
You can access the live streaming through your cell phone, tablet or computer. Depending on your device, you need to have access to Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, FireFox or Safari (iPhone or iPad). Adobe Flash Player must be installed on your computer.
The Annual General Meeting of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme took place on 21 June 2018. For your convenience, we have provided a copy of the presentations that were delivered at the Annual General Meeting by the Discovery Health Medical Scheme Principal Officer and Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd Chief Executive Officer:
Notice is hereby given that Discovery Health Medical Scheme ("DHMS") will be holding a Special General Meeting ("SGM") on 07 September 2017.
The SGM will be held to vote on a proposed amalgamation with the University of the Witwatersrand Medical Scheme ("WitsMed"). This will be the only matter that will be discussed at this SGM.
Notice of the SGM
Date | 07 September 2017 |
Venue | Discovery Auditorium, 155 West Street, Sandton Limited parking will be available at the venue. Additional parking will be made available. |
Meeting Time | 10:00 |
Registration | 08:00 to 10:00 |
Identification | Members attending the SGM must bring along, together with their membership card, any of the following identification documents: A South African ID book or Smart ID card, South African Driver's License or a Passport. |
Details of the proposed amalgamation can be found here. The draft Business Plan in respect of the proposed amalgamation can be found here.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
RSVP your attendance
You can RSVP your attendance for the SGM here.
Please attend the SGM or nominate a proxy
If you are unable to attend the Scheme's SGM, you are able to nominate a proxy (another Principal Member authorised to attend, speak and vote on your behalf) by completing a proxy form.
Read here for more information on the proxy process.
Submit your proxy on time
Proxy forms must be requested from PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd ("PwC"), at or by calling 012 429 0505.
Proxy forms must reach PwC by no later than 09:00 on 04 September 2017. Any proxy forms received after this date and time will be invalid.
The Annual General Meeting of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme took place on 22 June 2017. For your convenience, we have provided a copy of the presentations that were delivered at the Annual General Meeting by the Discovery Health Medical Scheme Principal Officer and Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd Chief Executive Officer:
Discovery Health Medical Scheme ("DHMS/the Scheme") is holding its Annual General Meeting ("AGM") on 22 June 2017. DHMS's Board of Trustees encourage members to attend the Scheme's AGM, as it is critical to strong Scheme governance. Please RSVP your attendance.
Trustee elections will also be held during this year's AGM. Please find below the notice of the AGM and other details.
Notice of the AGM
Date | Thursday, 22 June 2017 |
Venue | The Hilton Conference Room, The Hilton Hotel, 138 Rivonia Road, Sandton. Parking will be available at The Hilton Hotel. Additional parking will be available as follows: Nedbank (135 Rivonia Road, Sandton), Rand Merchant Bank (1 Merchant Place, Corner Fredman Drive and Rivonia Road, Sandton) and The Maslow Hotel (Corner Grayston Drive and Rivonia Road, Sandton). |
Meeting Time | 09:00 |
Registration | 07:00 to 09:00 |
RSVP | RSVP your attendance to the AGM here. |
Identification | Members attending the AGM must bring along together with their membership card any of the following identification documents: A South African ID book or Smart ID card, South African Driver's License or a Passport |
Live streaming | If you are unable to attend the AGM, you can make use of the live streaming facility that will be available here on 22 June 2017 at 09:00 |
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
Trustee elections
Trustee elections will be held at the 2017 AGM. A full candidate list can be accessed here.
Submit your proxy form on time
If you are unable to attend the Scheme's AGM, you may nominate a proxy (another Principal Member authorised to attend, speak and vote on your behalf) by completing a proxy form.
Proxy forms must be requested from PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd ("PwC"), at or by calling 012 429 0505.
Proxy forms must reach PwC by no later than 12:00 midday on 15 June 2017. Any proxy forms received after this date and time will be invalid.
Read here for more information on the proxy process.
Submitted proxy appointment forms will be validated by the PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd ("PwC") prior to the AGM.
Submitting a motion
The Rules of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme require that notices of motions to be placed before the AGM, must reach the Principal Officer not later than 14 days prior to the date of the meeting. Below is a guideline that will help you construct your motion in line with Rules 25.1.6 and 25.1.7 of the Scheme Rules:
Motions can be submitted as follows:
Motions have to reach the Principal Officer by no later than 12:00 midnight on 7 June 2017. Any motions received after this date and time will be invalid.
You can download:
Physical copies of the 2016 Integrated Annual Report can also be accessed at walk-in centres around the country:
Discovery Health
16 Fredman Drive
Cape Town
Discovery Health
Knowledge Park
Heron Crescent
Century City
Discovery Health
41 Imvubupark Place
Riverhorse Valley
Business Estate
Live Streaming Requirements
The Annual General Meeting will be streamed live here on 22 June 2017 at 09:00. Live streaming requires a stable data connection for which you will incur data charges for the amount of data consumed. Please contact your network service provider to enquire about data charges you may incur, prior to accessing the live streaming facility.
You can access the live streaming through your cell phone, tablet or computer. Depending on your device, you need to have access to Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, FireFox or Safari (iPhone or iPad). Adobe Flash Player must be installed on your computer.
View the profiles of candidates eligible to be elected here
Members of the Scheme need to elect two Trustees at the Scheme's Annual General Meeting ("AGM") to be held on 22 June 2017, at the Hilton Hotel, 138 Rivonia Road, Sandton, Gauteng.
The Board of Trustees of DHMS has appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd as the Independent Electoral Body ("IEB"). They will assist the Board of Trustees' Nomination Committee to oversee and manage the electoral process pertaining to Trustees, including:
The Rules of the Scheme allow any Principal Member in good standing to nominate another Principal Member in good standing to stand for election.
This notice is a call for nominations in respect of the 2017 Trustee elections. If you would like to nominate a candidate, please complete the form and return it to the IEB either by hand, e-mail or fax as indicated in the Rules for Completion, by no later than 12:00 (midday) on Monday, 13 February 2017. Forms received after this date and time will not be considered.
Discovery Health Medical Scheme ("DHMS/the Scheme") is holding its Annual General Meeting ("AGM") on 23 June 2016. DHMS's Board of Trustees encourage members to attend the Scheme's AGM, as it is critical to strong Scheme governance. Please RSVP your attendance.
Trustee elections will also be held during this year's AGM. Please find below the notice of the AGM and other details.
Notice of the AGM
Date | Thursday, 23 June 2016 |
Venue | The Hilton Conference Room, The Hilton Hotel, 138 Rivonia Road, Sandton. Parking will be available at The Hilton Hotel. Additional parking will be available as follows: Nedbank (135 Rivonia Road, Sandton), Rand Merchant Bank (1 Merchant Place, Corner Fredman Drive and Rivonia Road, Sandton) and The Maslow Hotel (Corner Grayston Drive and Rivonia Road, Sandton). |
Meeting Time | 10:00 |
Registration | 08:00 to 10:00 |
RSVP | RSVP your attendance for the AGM and the optional Member Forum, here. |
Identification | Members attending the AGM must bring along any of the following identification documents: A South African ID book or card, South African Driver's License or a Passport. |
Live streaming | If you are unable to attend the AGM you can make use of the live streaming facility that will be available on on 23 June 2016 at 10:00. Further details can be found below. |
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
The Board of Trustees invites members to attend a Member Forum which is to be held immediately after the AGM in order to give members the opportunity to interact with the Principal Officer and the Board of Trustees on specific Scheme matters of members' choice.
The Principal Officer and Board of Trustees kindly requests members to advise them beforehand of the matters that they would like to discuss. Members are requested to submit the details to the following e-mail address:
Trustee elections
Trustee elections will be held at the 2016 AGM. A full candidate list can be accessed here.
Submit your proxy form on time
If you are unable to attend the Scheme's AGM, you may nominate a proxy (another Principal Member authorised to attend, speak and vote on your behalf) by completing a proxy form.
Proxy forms must be requested from PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd ("PwC"), at or by calling 012 429 0505.
Proxy forms must reach PwC by no later than 12:00 midday on 17 June 2016. Any proxy forms received after this date and time will be invalid.
Read here for more information on the proxy process.
Submitted proxy appointment forms will be validated by the PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd ("PwC") prior to the AGM.
Submitting a Motion
The Rules of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme require that notices of motions to be placed before the AGM, must reach the Principal Officer not later than 14 days prior to the date of the meeting. Below is a guideline that will help you construct your motion in line with Rules 25.1.5 and 25.1.6 of the Scheme Rules:
Motions can be submitted as follows:
- e-mailed to or
- posted to The Principal Officer, Discovery Health Medical Scheme, PO Box 786722, Sandton 2146, or
- hand delivered to 16 Fredman Drive, Sandton, in an envelope clearly marked for the attention of the Principal Officer.
Motions have to reach the Principal Officer by no later than 12:00 midnight on 8 June 2016. Any motions received after this date and time will be invalid.
You can download:
Physical copies of the 2015 Integrated Annual Report can also be accessed at walk-in centres around the country:
Discovery Health
41 Imvubupark
Riverhorse Valley
Business Estate
Live Streaming Requirements
The Annual General Meeting will be streamed live on the Discovery website, Live streaming requires a stable data connection for which you will incur data charges for the amount of data consumed. Please contact your network service provider to enquire about data charges you may incur, prior to accessing the live streaming facility.
You can access the live streaming through your cellphone, tablet or computer. Depending on your device, you need to have access to Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, FireFox or Safari (iPhone or iPad). Adobe Flash Player must be installed on your computer.
The 22nd Annual General Meeting of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme took place on 23 June 2016. You can view the presentations made at this meeting by:
Voting results
Here are the results of the election and the voting as counted by PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "PwC" or "Independent Electoral Body"), which was appointed as the Independent Electoral Body to manage the election and voting process at the Discovery Health Medical Scheme ("DHMS/Scheme") Annual General Meeting ("AGM") in accordance with the registered Rules of the Scheme. PricewaterhouseCoopers has communicated with individual candidates.
The following is the results of the voting as counted by PwC in their capacity as independent observers following the vetting and verification process as agreed with Discovery Health Medical Scheme:
Results: Approval of 2015 Trustee Remuneration
Approval of trustee remuneration | Number of valid votes | Votes as percentage |
Vote for | 575 | 94.57% |
Vote against | 33 | 5.43% |
Results: Non-Binding advisory vote on the 2015 Trustee Remuneration Policy for the Board of Trustees
Approval of trustee remuneration policy | Number of valid votes | Votes as percentage |
Vote for | 581 | 95.87% |
Vote against | 25 | 4.13% |
Results: Confirmation of Trustee appointment as per Rule 17.3
Confirmation of Trustee appointment | Number of valid votes | Votes as percentage |
Vote for | 595 | 98.35% |
Vote against | 10 | 1.65% |
Results: Motion
Number of valid votes | Votes as percentage | |
Vote for | 36 | 6.02% |
Vote against | 562 | 93.98% |
Results: Total number of invalid ballots and proxies
Number of invalid ballots | 9 |
Number of invalid proxies | 36 |
The 21st Annual General Meeting of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme took place on 25 June 2015. You can view the presentation made at this meeting by:
If you have any questions, please email us at
Members of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme (DHMS) are invited to the upcoming DHMS Annual General Meeting (AGM).
The Discovery Health Medical Scheme Board of Trustees is encouraging members to attend the Scheme's AGM, as it is critical to strong Scheme governance. For this reason, the Scheme has secured a venue which accommodates a larger number of members. The AGM venue has been changed to: The Pavilion, Sandton Convention Centre, 161 Maude Street, Sandton, please RSVP your attendance.
Details are as follows:
Date | Thursday, 25 June 2015 |
Venue | The Pavilion, Sandton Convention Centre, 161 Maude Street, Sandton |
AGM Meeting Time | 14:00 |
Registration | 13:00 to 14:00 |
RSVP | RSVP your attendance |
Proxy | Copy of the proxy form |
Identification | Members attending the AGM are required to bring along identification and their membership card. A South African ID book or card, South African Driver's licence or a Passport will be accepted for identification purposes. |
Live streaming | If you are unable to attend the AGM you can make use of the live streaming facility that will be available on on 25 June 2015 at 14:00 |
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
2. Minutes of the 2014 Annual General Meeting - for approval
3. 2014 Annual Financial Statements and Trustee Report
4.1 Discovery Health Medical Scheme Trustee Remuneration Policy and Trustee Remuneration
4.2 Appointment of auditors
4.3 Confirmation of the appointment of a Trustee of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme as per Rule 17.3
Physical copies of the 2014 Integrated Annual Report including the 2014 Audited Annual Financial Statements can also be accessed at our walk-in centres around the country:
Discovery Health
41 Imvubupark
Riverhorse Valley
Business Estate
The Rules of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme require members to notify the Principal Officer of any motions at least seven days before the date of the meeting. In terms of the Scheme Rules, a motion is a written proposal formally submitted to the AGM for discussion and possible adoption as a resolution.
Below is a guideline that will help you construct your motion in line with best practice requirements:
1. Only a Principal member may submit a motion. The Principal member should present his/her motion at the AGM either personally or by means of a valid proxy.
2. A motion must be framed in terms that are definite, concise, lucid and free from ambiguity.
3. All present at the meeting must clearly understand the significance of the motion and whether it serves the best interests of all members.
4. A motion does not deal with operational issues in relation to the Scheme. A motion must be within the scope of convening the meeting and for the benefit of the Scheme. Therefore, a motion must be worded so that a definitive decision can be arrived at.
5. All motions received by the Principal Officer will be evaluated by the Board based on the above guidelines and only valid motions will be put to the meeting.
Motions can be submitted by one of the following methods:
Motions have to reach the principal officer by 17h00 on 17 June 2015.
Live Streaming Requirements
The Annual General Meeting will be streamed live on the Discovery website, Live streaming requires a stable data connection for which you will incur data charges for the amount of data consumed. Please contact your network service provider to enquire about data charges you may incur, prior to accessing the live streaming facility.
You can access the live streaming through your cellphone, tablet or computer. Depending on your device, you need to have access to Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, FireFox or Safari (iPhone or iPad). Adobe Flash Player must be installed on your computer.
All queries related to the 2015 DHMS Annual General Meeting can be emailed to
Discovery Health Medical Scheme is committed to providing you with the highest standard of service and your feedback is important to us. The following channels are available for your use and we encourage you to follow the process.
The following is an extract from the report issued by the independent auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc setting out the results of the voting:
Approval of trustee remuneration | Total number of votes |
Votes for | 2 339 |
Vote against | 8 |
Invalid ballot papers | 117 |
Confirmation of the appointment of a Trustee | Total number of votes |
Votes for | 2 342 |
Vote against | 3 |
Invalid ballot papers | 117 |
The members of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme present at the AGM or voting by proxy voted:
The 20th Annual General Meeting of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme took place on 6 June 2014. For your convenience, we have provided copies of the presentations that were delivered at the Annual General Meeting. If you have any questions, please email us at
Members of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme (DHMS) are invited to the upcoming Discovery Health Medical Scheme Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Details are as follows:
Date | Friday, 6 June 2014 |
Time | Registration from 11:00 to 12:00 Meeting to start at 12:00 |
Venue | Discovery Auditorium, 155 West Street, Sandton |
RSVP | RSVP your attendance |
Identification | Members attending the AGM are required to bring along identification and their membership card. A South African ID book or card, South African driver's licence or a passport will be accepted for identification purposes. |
Queries | All queries related to the 2014 DHMS AGM can be emailed to |
Live streaming | If you are unable to attend the AGM you can make use of the live streaming facility that will be available on on 6 June 2014 from12:00. |
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
2. Minutes of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme 2013 Annual General Meeting - for approval
3. 2013 Annual Financial Statements
3.1 Financial performance of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme for the year ended 31 December 2013
3.2. Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd strategic focus areas
3.3 Acceptance of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme 2013 Annual Financial Statements
4.1 2014 Trustee remuneration
4.2 Confirmation of Trustee Appointment
4.3 Appointment of auditors
Financial Reports, Statements and Documents
The following documents can be accessed by clicking on the report name below that you would like to view
The Rules of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme define a proxy as a principal member authorised to act on behalf of another principal member if this principal member is unable to attend a meeting.
To clarify, a proxy has the same rights of the principal member that s/he represents and has the right to speak and vote on his/her behalf. The proxy must attend the meeting to exercise these rights. The proxy must be appointed in writing by the principal member who is unable to attend the meeting. The Proxy Form provided by the Scheme must be signed by both the principal member who is unable to attend the meeting and the principal member appointed as proxy.
Click here to access the Proxy form
The Rules of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme require members to notify the Principal Officer of any motions at least seven days before the date of the meeting. In terms of the Scheme Rules a motion is a written proposal formally submitted to the AGM for discussion and possible adoption as a resolution.
Below is a guideline that will help you construct your motion in line with best practice principles:
1. Only a principal member can submit a motion. (It is preferable that you attend the AGM in order to present your motion.)
2. A motion must be framed in terms that are definite, concise, lucid and free from ambiguity.
3. All present at the meeting must be able to clearly understand the significance of the motion and
whether it serves the best interests of all members.
4. A motion must be worded so that a definitive decision can be arrived at.
5. A motion that is vague in its terms can be rejected by the Chairperson who can refuse to put it to a vote.
6. A motion does not deal with operational issues relating to the Scheme. A motion must be within the scope of the notice convening the meeting, within the powers of the meeting to decide on that matter and for the benefit the Scheme.
7. Each motion should deal with one matter only, and should be expressed in the affirmative.
8. All motions received by the Principal Officer will be evaluated by the Board based on the above guidelines and only valid motions will be put to the meeting.
Motions should be
Live Streaming Requirements
The AGM will be streamed live on the Discovery website ( Live streaming requires a stable data connection for which you will incur data charges for the amount of data consumed. Please contact your network service provider to enquire about data charges you may incur prior to accessing the live streaming facility.
You can access the live streaming through your cellphone, tablet or computer. Depending on your devices you need to have access to Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, FireFox or Safari (iPhone or iPad). In addition Adobe Flash Player must be installed on your device in order to be able to view the event.
Voting Results
The following is an extract from the report issued by the independent auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc setting out the results of the voting:
Total number of votes
Votes for the amalgamation of the PG Bison Medical Aid Society with Discovery Health Medical Scheme
Vote against the amalgamation of the PG Bison Medical Aid Society with Discovery Health Medical Scheme
Invalid ballot papers
The members of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme present at the SGM or voting by proxy voted in favour of the amalgamation of the PG Bison Medical Aid Society with Discovery Health Medical Scheme.
Members of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme (DHMS) are invited to the upcoming DHMS Special General Meeting (SGM).
Details are as follows:
: Tuesday, 3 December 2013
: Discovery Auditorium, 155 West Street, Sandton
Parking is available at Sandton Convention Centre off Alice Lane (Parking tickets will be provided)
: 09:00 to 10:00 at Discovery Auditorium, 155 West Street, Sandton
: 10:00 at Discovery Auditorium, 155 West Street, Sandton
: Members attending the SGM are required to bring along some form of identification and their membership card.
A South African ID book, driver's licence or passport will be accepted for identification purposes
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
The 19th Annual General Meeting of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme took place on 20 June 2013. For your convenience, we have provided copies of the presentations that were delivered at the Annual General Meeting. If you have any questions, please email us at
Voting was also held and the results have been provided:
Trustee election - view profiles of candidates eligable to be elected here.
Members of DHMS need to elect four Trustees at the annual general meeting (AGM) of the Scheme taking place at Discovery, in Sandton, on 20 June 2013. The Rules of the Scheme specify that the affairs of the Scheme must be managed by a Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees must consist of at least five but not more than eight persons with the appropriate and relevant expertise, experience and knowledge. Elected trustees must be fit and proper to serve on the Board. Fit and proper refers to the regulatory eligibility of a person to hold an important position of trust in an entity such as a medical scheme. "Fit" relates to a person's competence and ability to do the job and "proper" relates to the character and integrity of the person. A fit and proper person means someone who is: financially sound, honest, reputable and reliable, and competent to perform the role in question. The Rules further specify that a Trustee shall serve a term of three years and shall be eligible for re-election.
The first three-year term of the following Trustees expires at the 2013 AGM. They are, however, eligible for re-election for a second three-year term:
1. Adv Noel Graves
2. Prof. Zephne van der Spuy
3. Mr Puke Maserumule
4. Mr Barry Stott
The Board of Trustees is inviting nominations for candidates (nominees) from the principal members of the Scheme, to serve on the DHMS Board. The Scheme rules specify that at least half the number of trustees must be elected by members from the membership base. Only members who are in good standing are eligible to stand for election. The Scheme's Nomination Committee will evaluate all nominees against the provisions of the Medical Schemes Act, the Scheme Rules and fit and proper criteria. Nominees who have been accepted following evaluation by the Nomination Committee, will be contacted and invited to attend the AGM. In order to be elected as a Trustee, the qualifying nominee must attend the AGM.
Nominate a trustee
Deadline for trustee nomination must be submitted before 17h00 on 20 May 2013.
The nomination process
Nominations can be sent by:
The Principal Officer (Trustee nominations)
Discovery Health Medical Scheme
Or hand delivered or couriered in a clearly marked envelope to The Principal Officer (Trustee Nominations) Discovery Health Medical Scheme at one of the following addresses:
Johannesburg | Pretoria | Cape Town | Durban | Port Elizabeth |
Discovery Health 16 Fredman Drive Sandton |
The Council for Medical Schemes informed us on 2013-05-29 that the amalgamation of IBM South Africa Medical Scheme with Discovery Health Medical Scheme has been confirmed. The amalgamation is effective from 1 July 2013.
The Discovery Health Medical Scheme's Special General Meeting took place on 19 February 2013. The purpose of the meeting was to consider and vote on the proposed amalgamation of the IBM South Africa Medical Scheme with Discovery Health Medical Scheme.
Date: 19 February 2013
Venue: Auditorium, 155 West Street, Sandton
The following is an extract from the report issued by the independent auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc setting out the results of the voting:
Decision | Total Number of votes |
Votes for the amalgamation of the IBM South Africa Medical Scheme with Discovery Health Medical Scheme | 105 |
Vote against the amalgamation of the IBM South Africa Medical Scheme with Discovery Health Medical Scheme | 1 |
Invalid ballot papers including 3 duplicate proxy forms | 17 |
The members of the Discovery Health Medical Scheme present at the SGM or voting by proxy voted in favour of the amalgamation of the IBM South Africa Medical Scheme with the Discovery Health Medical Scheme.
2013 Motions
As agreed at the AGM, motions that were passed were referred to the Discovery Health Medical Scheme's (DHMS) Product Committee which was mandated by the Board of Trustees to investigate the merits thereof. The DHMS Product Committee found the following in respect of the motions listed below:
Motion 2 | Gilbert Coene
Extended medical cover for South African members living abroad for periods of longer than 3 months currently allowed by DHMS
Investigation by the DHMS Product Committee
Where members are living abroad or travelling abroad for more than 90 days, they have medical cover at the South African equivalent benchmark as long as the same treatment is readily and freely available in South Africa, and it would normally be covered by their DHMS Plan in terms of the Scheme Rules.
In addition, the International Travel Benefit provides cover for emergency medical treatment needed while travelling overseas. The benefit provides emergency cover up to R5 million per person (R10 million on the Executive Plan), for 90 days from the date of departure from South Africa and provides members with:
- Emergency cover at the cost incurred, up to the limit, and
- Seamless integration and payment of bills in medical emergencies through International SOS, an international operational support organisation.
The intention of this benefit is to ensure that members who are travelling abroad for short periods of business or leisure are fully covered.
Extending cover for expatriates by the Scheme would mean adding on an extra amount to the current contributions for all members irrespective of their need for cover. Assuming 1% of the DHMS base lived abroad, cover for medical insurance would cost USD 111.3 million per annum. Extrapolating this cost to the entire DHMS membership base would add another R44 per person per month to the existing contributions, ignoring the impact of growth and selection. This is an inefficient cross-subsidy from the entire DHMS base to a few expatriate members.
The current levels of cover are considered adequate:
- Cover is provided for the intended purpose of members travelling abroad for short periods of time, i.e. holiday or short periods of international work,
- The cover has been widely accepted for travel purposes by all embassies
Expatriates currently have cover through DHMS at a South African equivalent rate. The International Travel Benefit is for members travelling overseas for less than 90 days. The DHMS Product Committee's recommendation is not to extend the International Travel Benefit to periods exceeding 3 months. The current benefit provides adequate cover for the majority of members who require international cover for short periods of business and leisure travel.
Motion 5 | Emily Makau
Request to consider a discounted fee for full time students over 21 years
Investigation by the DHMS Product Committee
In accordance with the Medical Schemes Act of 1998, medical scheme contributions in South Africa are based on community-rating principles, meaning that medical scheme contributions can only be based on income and family size. The Medical Scheme's Act and its Regulations do however provide for child contributions to be set at a lower rate than adult contributions. The Discovery Health Medical Scheme Rules, however, define an adult dependant as anyone over the age of 21 years. By definition this includes spouses, partners and or full time students.
By these principles, applying lower contributions to full time students would constitute a discount that is in contravention of the Act. Alternatively, if this particular group is classified as child dependants it would impact the inherent cross subsidy and long term sustainability of DHMS. Full-time students turning 21 years of age are however allowed to become principal members in their own right by selecting a benefit plan that suit their healthcare needs and affordability objectives.
DHMS is constantly trying to innovate in the healthcare space to bring down costs for members and is currently looking at alternative ways to provide more affordable contributions for younger members.
Based on the above, the DHMS Product Committee could not recommend this Rule amendment to be implemented.
Motion 6 | Hendrik Snyman
Request for a written complaints procedure for members
The written complaints procedure has been published on the Scheme's website. Please visit
Motion 14 | Lesego Monametsi
Request for members to be provided with a separate document detailing what constitutes an emergency and to what extent their medical aid will pay the costs associated
Investigation by the DHMS Product Committee and Recommendation:
The Discovery Health Medical Scheme applies the definition of "emergency medical condition" as prescribed in Chapter 3 of the Regulations to the Medical Schemes Act.
An emergency medical condition is defined as "means the sudden and, at the time, unexpected onset of a health condition that requires immediate medical or surgical treatment, where failure to provide medical or surgical treatment would result in serious impairment to bodily functions or serious dysfunction of a bodily organ or part, or would place the person's life in serious jeopardy".
As per the Medical Schemes Act, members are entitled to full cover for all confirmed emergencies, irrespective of plan type. All requests for full cover as an emergency will be reviewed against the above definition, and if found to meet the Scheme's required criteria, shall be funded in full.
Once a member is stabilised following an emergency hospital admission, meaning the member is no longer in danger, as per the definition, and now faces a potential co-payment for using a non-designated service provider of the Scheme, the Scheme will advise the member of this potential. The member can then either choose to remain with the non-designated service provider and pay the co-payment, or allow the Scheme to make appropriate arrangements to transfer the member to a designated service provider to access full benefit cover.
The member plan health guides explain the cover offered by DHMS, in line with the Medical Schemes Act. These are given to members yearly, and are a summary of the Scheme Rules. The Discovery website also explains the cover for emergencies, and is accessible to all members. Please visit
Motion 16 | Farnaaz Khan
Amend the specialist referral process for children on the KeyCare Plans
Investigation by the DHMS Product Committee
Members on KeyCare Plans have access to unlimited GP benefits, and where referred to a specialist out of hospital (including paediatricians), have an annual limit of R2 550. It is important to note that in the case of KeyCare, members need to be referred by their GP to a specialist in order to access this benefit. This GP to specialist referral process provides a mechanism to ensure appropriate use of the specialist benefit.
The current GP to specialist referral process works as follows:
- All KeyCare members/beneficiaries are required to visit their chosen GP who is the primary care giver and the custodian of care,
- If the GP believes it is clinically necessary for the member/beneficiary to be seen by a specialist, the GP needs to complete a specialist referral form, - After consideration by the multi-disciplinary specialist panel (which includes physicians, ENTs, paediatricians, gynaecologists and psychiatrists), the request is authorised or declined,
- Where necessary, the panel specialist will contact the requesting GP in order to guide the GP in their treatment. - Alternatively, the specialist panel will allow clinically appropriate referrals to a specialist, which is considered beyond the management ambit of the GP.
The existing referral process is effective for the following reasons:
- GPs are the custodian of primary care and form the basis of the design of the KeyCare plans, and
- GPs are competent to deal with a range of general diseases in patients of all ages.
The specialist panel also acts as a support forum for the contracted KeyCare GPs. It is however important to note that the referral process do not apply in instances of emergencies where immediate care is required based on the severity of the condition/emergency.
The GP to specialist referral process is a key management element of network-based plans such as KeyCare and removing the GP to specialist referral process for children is not advised based on the benefit design principles of network plans. The Scheme is however in the process of exploring a more efficient way to deal with the referral process for children.