Billing & Finance Customer Support Center

Use these resources to help us respond to your inquiry faster. Our average turnaround time for the requests listed below is 1-2 business days.


Download Smartsheet W-9.

Purchase Order

Submit a Purchase Order (PO).

Invoice or Statement

Request a copy of an invoice or an account statement.

Add licenses

Increase the number of licenses or request add-ons.

Downgrade account

Request to decrease the number of licenses, add-ons, or request a cancellation.

Company Name and Address Change Request

Update business name and Bill To | Ship To address.

Tax exemption

Claim tax and withholding exemption.

Billing Contact Change Request

Add and/or remove billing contacts (to receive invoices).

Payment Promise

Provide the invoice number, payment date and payment method.

Proof of Payment

Provide proof that payment has been made.

Insurance Certificate

Smartsheet's certificate of liability insurance.

Vendor setup documents

Request billing details.

Find an answer on your own

Smartsheet Billing FAQ

Find answers to frequently asked questions about billing and finance.

Consolidate two accounts

If you're on a Pro or Business plan, you can merge two (or more) plans into one. You can invite an Account Owner from a legacy Individual, Free, Team, Pro, or Business plan to join your account. If you're on an Enterprise plan and want to consolidate accounts, contact sales or support.

Review or Change Account, Plan, or Billing Info

Upgrade or change your plan, change your payment information, and view receipts and history.

State sales tax FAQ

Details about tax information by state.